Create a Facebook Cover Photo Banner Design

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Create a Facebook Cover Photo Banner Design

Create a Facebook Cover Photo Banner Design

Create a Facebook Cover Photo Banner Design

About This Gig

I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Digital Arts and over 10 years of graphic design experience. I have over 20,000+ orders completed on Fiverr. I'm also one of Fiverrs very few trusted ambassadors and a “super seller”. I'm from the UK and speak perfect English, this is also my full time career meaning communication will be a breeze

For $75 you will receive a premium cover photo banner sized for your facebook timeline fanpage. 
I can also offer banners for:
 - Twitter
 - YouTube
 - LinkedIn
 - Google+
 - Instagram

You may come across much cheaper options with seemingly great reviews but what you're not seeing Is the high number of refunded orders resulting in a waste of your precious time. There is also a high risk of receiving a banner design that breaches copyright leaving you with added costs. My price not only ensures a great performing, creative design but also covers the costs of licensed stock imagery and font/software licenses.

Create a Facebook Cover Photo Banner Design

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